Donations support character development, leadership skills, citizenship training
Making an investment in Scouting is making an investment in the future of our youth. From endowments and special events to small donations and sponsorships, every donation helps us make a difference in the communities we serve. We offer a wide range of options for supporters to make donations. Choose the option that suits you best.
Give Now
Donate online with a credit card or check
Give Monthly
Set up automatic monthly donations
Additional Giving Opportunities
For those looking for other opportunities to support Crossroads of America, we offer several options. These range from supporting our council through small everyday purchases to in-kind donations and even car donations. We appreciate anything you can do.
Boat and Car Donations
Donate your car, truck, van or RV to Scouting! Donations are 100% tax deductible, and all vehicles are accepted. Vehicles do not need to be in working condition, and free and timely pickup is included. Please complete our donation form and email it to .
Gifts In-Kind
Gifts in-kind are a great win-win situation for you and the Scouting program. Crossroads of America has a vast list of items that are needed for normal operation of the Scouting program. Items collected allow us to continue to provide our quality values-based programs to more than 16,000 youth in central Indiana. We appreciate products such as food for camp, office supplies, medical supplies, paper products and in-kind services such as printing, carpet cleaning, window cleaning, etc. Please contact the program department by email or by phone at to discuss a potential donation.
Kroger Community Rewards
With Kroger Community Rewards, you help Crossroads of America Council each time you swipe your Kroger Plus Card at checkout. When you enroll your Kroger Plus Card with our council, Kroger will donate a percentage of your purchases to local Scouting programs.
Visit and follow the member enrollment steps to get started. Be sure to search for Crossroads of America Council, BSA or use Rewards #PS207 to connect properly.

Walmart VAP Program
Do you or a fellow friend of Scouting work for Walmart or its subsidiary? Did you know that all active and full-time employees of Walmart are eligible for the “Volunteerism Always Pays” (VAP) program and can earn up to $1,000 per year for Crossroads of America?
Through the program, any time an employee spends time leading Scouting meetings, planning activities or volunteering can earn the council money. See instructions or graphics to submit a request. Don’t work for Walmart? Check with your employer for similar opportunities!

Specialty License Plates
Show your Scouting pride with a Boy Scouts license plate. The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles offers organizations like the Boy Scouts of the America the opportunity for car, truck and motorcycle specialty license plates. Complete details are available on the BMV website and at licensing branches.
The specialty license plate is a way to show pride in Scouting while providing needed revenue for local councils. For $40, an individual can purchase a specialty plate, and $25 of it goes back to the local council with $15 going to the BMV. Want a low-digit (1-100) on your BSA license plate? Contact Dulce Vega for number availability and the low-digit approval form at .