Friends of Scouting

Support youth in your community through the Friends of Scouting annual campaign.

Scouting depends on advocates and supporters

More than 16,000 youth supported by more than 5,000 adult volunteers participated in Scouting programs in central Indiana last year. It takes a lot of work to maintain the materials and venues required to support that many Scouts and volunteers, however. Financial support is crucial to providing the facilities, materials, programs, training, activities and Scouting leadership for the Crossroads of America Council.

The Friends of Scouting (FOS) annual giving campaign raises a significant portion of the council’s budget from the families of youth who participate in Scouting. It is kicked off with the Governor’s Luncheon for Scouting in December. Your help makes all the difference!

How does Friends of Scouting (FOS) work?

The Friends of Scouting annual giving campaign is planned, directed and conducted by volunteers — and its success depends on them. Each volunteer team has a professional adviser (usually a District Executive) to assist with communication, training and supplies.

The campaign kicks off in August in preparation of the Governor’s Luncheon for Scouting in December and wraps up by April. Each presenter will receive Council-prepared materials to make a successful 10-minute presentation.

Instant recognition for all gifts and pledges is done at a Pack or Troop meeting for any giving level. The presenter is responsible for following up with the unit FOS chairman to contact the families who were not at the presentation. The volunteer team collects all pledge cards and contributions and delivers them to the district executive or local Council service center.

The giving level for one Scout for the Friends of Scouting campaign is $225. The Council actually spends $287 per Scout for a year of programming. Every few years, the per Scout level will increase to reflect changes in the costs of Scouting, but it does not increase every year.