University of Scouting

An opportunity for leaders to build skills through a variety of courses and learn from some of the best Scouting leaders in the Midwest.

Register for our premier training event

Every Scout deserves a trained leader. University of Scouting is the premier training event for adult leaders offered by the Crossroads of America Council. It is designed to supplement the educational experience of any Scouting leader.  On any average year, the university offers 80 to 100 different courses, from outdoor skills such as knot tying to group management concepts to keep that unruly den of Scouts on task. The University of Scouting has courses for first-time leaders to experienced leaders planning a high-adventure expedition. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024 | 8:00 a.m. - 4 p.m. | Belzer Middle School

Degrees and courses are available in three “colleges” related to Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA and general studies. The course numbers for each college are preceded by a “CS” for Cub Scout classes, “BS” for Scouts BSA classes, “GS” for general studies and “Ph.D.” for the doctoral program.

Each college offers a bachelor’s and master’s degree program. The university offers only one Doctor of Scouting program. 

University of Scouting degree program requirements

Participants may earn degrees or complete additional courses for a continuing education certificate.

Bachelor’s degree requirements:

  • Youth Protection Training (YPT) is current.
  • Position-specific training for your registered position is complete (and could be part of your coursework at this event).
  • Four (4) credits from the college of your choice.
  • Two (2) additional elective credits from any college.

Master’s degree requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree from this University of Scouting or College of Commissioner Science.
  • Youth Protection Training (YPT) is current.
  • Position-specific training for your registered position is complete (and could be part of your coursework at this event).
  • Three (3) credits from the college of your choice.
  • Three (3) additional elective credits from any college.

Doctoral degree requirements:

  • Master’s degree from this University of Scouting.
  • Youth Protection Training (YPT) is current.
  • Position-specific training for your registered position is complete (and could be part of your coursework at this event).
  • Four (4) credits from the required Ph.D. courses.
  • Two (2) credits from any college of your choice.
  • Complete a written thesis or project under the mentorship and approval of university Ph.D. staff following the event.
  • Your doctoral degree will be awarded at a future University of Scouting after your thesis or project is complete and accepted.

Continuing education certificate requirements:

  • Bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree from this University of Scouting and a desire to continue the educational process.
  • Youth Protection Training (YPT) is current.
  • Position-specific training for your registered position is complete (and could be part of your coursework at this event).
  • Complete six (6) additional credits from any college.
  • There is no limit to the number of continuing education certificates you can earn from this university.

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