Ideal Year of Scouting

Helping leaders build year-round Scouting programs designed to keep youth engaged.

Providing a year-round, quality Scouting program should be the goal of every Scouting Unit. The Ideal Year of Scouting (IYOS) helps you develop an annual program plan along with a budget and fundraising plan to reach your program goals. The result is a well-managed, well-financed Scouting Unit. Use the resources below to start your Ideal Year of Scouting today.

Program Resources

Explore our program resources to create comprehensive plans for your Scouting program.

Helpful Links

Submit Your Plan

Once your unit has completed its plan, save the file with your Unit number and upload below. Unit commissioners and district executives will use these documents to support your unit as well as provide information to new and existing families when they contact us about your unit’s programming.