Ransburg Scout Reservation

What Happened?

The late June 2024 windstorm wreaked considerable damage at Ransburg Scout Reservation. Fortunately, all campers and staff weathered the storm safely. Everyone rallied to the initial needs, allowing camp to deliver life-changing experiences to kids for the rest of the summer.

Thank you to the Ransburg staff, volunteer scout leaders at camp, Scouts, and other volunteers and staff who responded to keep camp going. Now that camp is over, we want to share with you the continuing needs and ask for your continued engagement to bring Ransburg fully back to its safe, operational capacity for next year.

What Were the Impacts?

Our campsites, which house thousands of Scouts and Scouters each summer, sustained the greatest damage due to fallen trees, limbs and wind damage. The initial removal of fallen trees and limbs were handled by volunteers and staff, but due to the severity of the damage a professional arborist was engaged to address our forest canopy and health of the forest, as well as the safe restoration of all areas of Ransburg.

Further campsite safety evaluations will be conducted to determine whether additional tree work is needed to prevent future storm damage.

The storm’s impact was felt all around the Lake Monroe area, causing thousands of power outages. Electricity is essential for a safe camp operation for food preparation, water/waste management, and medical office operations. Mobile generators were a necessity to continue summer camp until local utilities could restore power to Ransburg.

The financial impact of the damages and expenditures to maintain basic operations totaled more than $100,000.

To ensure access, the camp immediately responded by removing fallen trees from roads, trails, and campsites.

Some tenting areas (and whole campsites, in some cases) were closed when there was a question of continued safety.

Mobile generators were purchased to support our campers’ ongoing health and safety needs while allowing the continuation of food preparation and service, water, and waste management systems.

What Can I do to Help?

We feel fortunate to have volunteers and staff who have already jumped in to provide critical assistance to keep Ransburg rolling without missing a beat.

The storm caused damage to Ransburg beyond our annual capital and maintenance budgets. If you are looking for additional ways to help rebuild for next season, here are ways that you can continue the recovery efforts.

Make a Financial Contribution to the Ransburg Recovery Effort

You can contribute to the Ransburg Recovery Fund by giving to the overall recovery effort.

Current Replacement Needs:

·      Replace a mattress pad ($125)  — Needed 100
·      Replace a cot ($165) – Needed 100
·      Replace a tent and frame ($1565.00) Needed 30
·      Outfit a tent (Tent, Cots, Pad) ($2150)
·      Repair a shelter ($7,500) – Needed 1
·      Replace a sailboat ($6,500) – Needed 2
·      Repair a dock ($6,000)
·      Offset operational response costs for tree removal and health & safety imperatives ($100 – $65,000)

All dollars raised will be used to replace damaged or lost equipment, or offset operational response cost. Any dollars raised in excess of replacement cost will be used to cover the cost of operational response. If dollars raised exceed the operational response costs, the surplus will be allocated for preparedness efforts to anticipate potential impacts of future storms.

When making a contribution, please assign your donation to “Ransburg Recovery”

Join Us for Specific Work Weekends at Ransburg

To help with the ongoing efforts to manage the deadfall and other damages caused by the wind. Join our storm damage cleaning list: https://cacin.us/ransburgrecovery

Contribute Toward Future Preparedness Goals

The Council has identified key elements that will help us better address future storm impacts more quickly. Individuals may contribute goods or services to these efforts as well if so desired.

  • Install generator transfer switch on key facilities (up to six facilities) — $1000.00 per switch installed.
  • Three 6500w generators to run water and wastewater lift stations/pumps (for example, EM6500SX
  • Three 1000w generators to run lights and key electrical components (health lodge, showers), for example EM1000.
  • One 75kW towable generator to run dining hall operation (refrigeration units, kitchen equipment, etc).

When making a contribution, please assign your donation to “Ransburg Recovery”
