
Venturing is an inclusive program aimed at offering young men and women opportunities to experience nature and build positive relationships.

Answer the call of the wild by joining our Venturing program.

Venturing provides young men and women ages 14 to 20 with positive experiences to help them mature and develop into responsible and caring adults. Venturing is based on a unique and dynamic relationship involving the youth, adult leaders, mentors and community organizations. The result is a program of exciting meaningful activities that helps youth pursue their special interests, grow, develop leadership skills and become active citizens. Venturing Crews can focus on a variety of career or hobby-related activities.


Venturing offers four ranks for members, each designed to help Venturers grow in adventure, leadership, personal development and service.


Venturers have numerous opportunities to visit our camps and facilities. As part of the program, Venturers familiarize themselves with the outdoors through hands-on experiences and outdoor adventures.


As with other Scouting programs, Venturing is supported by a large network of adult leaders and volunteers. Our training programs give our volunteers the skills they need to support the Venturing program.

Venturing Activities

Venturers can participate in a wide range of activities. From snow sports to summer adventures, here’s a handful of activities Venturers can experience:

  • Scuba diving
  • Kayaking and whitewater rafting
  • Ziplining
  • Community service
  • Sailing
  • Snowboarding, snowmobiling and other snow sports
  • Wakeboarding, tubing and other water sports
  • Drama and theater
  • Horseback riding
  • Golfing
  • Board and video gaming
  • Archery and other shooting sports
  • Climbing and rappelling
  • Music, choir and band

Are you ready to answer the call of adventure as a Venturer?