Skilled Trades

America’s workforce is in dire need of professionals to fill positions in the skilled trades. See what it takes to build a stable career in the skilled trades as a carpenter, foreman, mechanic and more.

Develop hands-on skills and launch a career in the skilled trades

The skilled trades career exploring program offers young adults hands-on experience in a variety of fields and professions. The program is open to Explorers ages 12 to 20 with an interest in learning more about careers in the skilled trades.

As part of the program, you will participate in hands-on projects to give you a real feel for whether this career is the right one for you. You will learn about the educational requirements and what it takes to build a successful career. You’ll also learn about the steps you can take now to prepare and position yourself for your future.

Tom Wood Automotive – Post #1967

Tom Wood Auto Group prepares Explorers for a career in the automotive industry. The Volkswagen Service Department manages this post, and speakers cover topics ranging from initial diagnosis, testing batteries and checking fuses in language that is understandable to non-technical audiences. They’ll also discuss various job opportunities available to those with an interest in the automotive industry. Every session will include a question-and-answer segment to allow more interaction among participants.

Contact Phone Email Open House Meetings Location Cost
Susan Ford September 21 Monthly on Wednesdays/Month 675 S Ford Rd., Zionsville, IN $62

Are you ready to build an adventure in Exploring?