
If you have a natural knack for problem-solving and enjoy experimenting and learning about the world around you, you should explore our science program.

Meet with individuals who have built careers in science

More than ever before, science professions are experiencing workforce shortages across the board. As part of our science career exploring program, you will experience firsthand what it’s like to be on the cutting edge of scientific discoveries and so much more. Our Explorer program offers hands-on experiences to young men and women ages 14 to 20.

Eli Lilly & Co. – Post #40 & Club #41

The Lilly program provides Explorers in sixth through 12th grades with information about different career areas through tours, guest speakers, discussions and hands-on experiences. Some of these topics include forensics, chemistry and neuroscience. The Lilly Indy Science Post meets once a month throughout the school year with qualified, successful men and women who work in a wide variety of science-related areas. This is a unique opportunity to meet a number of scientists face-to-face.

Are you ready to build an adventure in Exploring?