Fire & EMS

If you’re interested in pursuing a career as a firefighter, paramedic or another profession in the emergency medical field, our Fire and EMS program can help you discover your passion.

Participate in a hands-on program focused on careers in the fire and EMS field

Our communities will always have a need for fire and EMS services. If you’re interested in a career in this field, our fire and EMS career exploring program can help you. This Explorer program is open to young men and women between the ages of 10 and 20 who have an interest in learning more about careers in the field of fire or emergency services.

The Fire & EMS program combines some classroom training with hands-on lessons. You get to experience firsthand what it is like to be a firefighter, emergency services coordinator, shelter manager, paramedic and so much more!

Greenwood Fire Department – Post #618

Join the Greenwood Fire Department for an Exploring Post that is guaranteed to show you what it is like to be a firefighter/EMT.

Washington Township Fire Department – Post #794

Washington Township Fire Department has sponsored a firefighting post for several years. Our dedicated department provides Explorers with an inside look at the fire department. Reach out today for information on times of meetings.

Contact Phone Email Accepting New Members Meetings Location Cost
Robert Reffet Contact Post Advisor 499 S State Rd 267, Avon $62

Wayne Township Fire Department – Post #88

Are you interested in becoming a firefighter? Join one of our top firefighting Posts today. With mentorship, physical fitness activities and firefighting tactics, you are sure to receive good insight on what it takes to be a firefighter with Wayne Township Fire Department.

Are you ready to build an adventure in Exploring?