Contact the Exploring Program

Looking for information about our current Exploring programs and opportunities to expand our programming?

We are proud to offer a wide range of Exploring programs, and we’re always looking for opportunities to expand. Are you interested in joining an Exploring post or helping to start a new Exploring program? We’re currently looking to expand our programs in the fields listed below but welcome new ideas. If you’re interested in joining us, contact us today.


Communications career exploring is a hands-on program open to young men and women in sixth grade to 20 years old with an interest in learning more about careers in the field of communications, including opportunities in TV, radio, journalism, graphic design and more.

Law & Government

The law and government exploring program is a hands-on program designed to help young men and women in sixth grade to 20 years old learn more about careers in law and government. Specific career paths include attorney/lawyer, military careers, judge, paralegal, politician, urban planner, court reporter, city manager and parks and recreation managers.

Social Services

The social services career exploring program is open to young men and women in sixth grade to 20 years old with an interest in social services careers. Specific career paths include child care workers, adult care givers, drug/alcohol counselors, human services workers, social/welfare workers, teachers/teachers’ aides and many more.