Adopt-a-School Program

As the need for community service continues to grow, Crossroads of America is committed to supporting students and educators.

Partnering with central Indiana school districts

Community service serves as one of the primary pillars of the Scouting experience. As the world changes, the need for community service grows. Through the Boy Scouts of America and Adopt-a-School program, we can help alleviate this need by having Scouting units partner with their local schools throughout Indiana!

Adopt-a-School projects proactively build relationships with your Scouting program and your local school. Scouts learn the importance of giving back while taking ownership and pride in their local school.

Connect with your district civic service chair or your district executive to help assist you with planning, project ideas and scheduling. Check back soon to register your unit.

Frequently Asked Questions

We request a one-day commitment, but our hope is to build strong, sustained relationships with these schools over the long term.

We expect the school representatives to be cooperative in identifying their needs and in helping to outline the project that will best satisfy those needs.

We expect school representatives and Scout leaders to do projects that are age appropriate. Please follow Guide to Safe Scouting guidelines.

We suggest the unit committee chair/unit civic service chair or unit committee member/parent who has the strongest connection to a local school.

We would encourage you to contact the principal first, then involve teachers and the PTA as needed. In some school districts, you may need to get approval from the superintendent first before contacting the principal.

There are many ways to approach this situation. Please contact your district civic service chair or district executive so we can assist you in building a successful relationship with your school.

Before you officially meet with school officials, we recommend you call them and identify which union representatives might also need to be included in your initial meeting. Then, sit down with all concerned to decide the school’s needs and how Scouts can be of assistance.