Awards and Recognition

Crossroads of America Council recognizes the achievements of our Scouts, leaders, troops and volunteers through a wide range of awards.

Showing appreciation through recognition

Over the years, Crossroads of America has routinely given awards to distinguished Scouts, Troops, leaders and volunteers. These awards recognize outstanding Eagle Scouts, exceptional adult volunteers and others.

Judge John Price Outstanding Eagle Scout Award

This award is presented annually at the Annual Scouting Awards Dinner. The award and $1,000 scholarship are given to a deserving member of the previous year’s Eagle Scout class. The award takes into consideration a Scout’s troop involvement, leadership positions, school and community activities and service project. 

Applications must be received no later than Jan. 31 of the awarding year.

Merle Miller Eagle Project of the Year Award

This award is presented annually at the Annual Scouting Awards Dinner. This high honor is awarded to the Eagle Scout carrying out the most outstanding service project from the previous year. The Scout recognized will have planned and executed a service project with meaningful community impact, involving effective use of leadership skills and extensive personal effort. The award also takes into consideration the planning and creativity involved in the project. Crossroads of America Council gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the Merle Miller family and Ice Miller for making possible this award and the accompanying $1,000 education scholarship. 

Applications must be received no later than January 31 of the awarding year.

Silver Beaver Award

The Silver Beaver Award was introduced in 1931 and is a council-level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Recipients of this award are registered adult volunteers who have impacted the lives of youth through service. The Silver Beaver Award is the highest honor Crossroads of America Council may bestow on a volunteer.

Questions regarding nominations and the ceremony may be directed to Dan Joyce by email.

Resources for the Silver Beaver Award:


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