Fall Creek

Fall Creek District of Crossroads of America Council.

Fall Creek District

The Fall Creek District of Crossroads of America Council serves 65 Scouting units located within Hancock, Southeast and Northeast Marion counties. These units serve more than 2,200 youth and are supported by 723 unit and district adult volunteers.

Latest News

2022 Popcorn Sales Events

Unit and Unit Leader Awards

Please nominate your unit and/or unit leader for one of the awards that are given annually at our district adult recognition dinner in May.  Submit your nominees via FCD Awards Google docs.

Unit Online Recharters

Now is the perfect time to check out this BSA help page explaining the online unit registration (rechartering) which begins October 1st.  Following their recommendations will help ease the “last minute” panic that happens every year at rechartering time.

New Annual Dues for 2022-23

To ensure the organization has the resources to fulfill the promise of Scouting, the following national membership fee structure will take effect August 1, 2022 

  • $75 for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts participants ($3 increase)
  • $45 for Exploring participants (no change in cost)
  • $30 for council-paid memberships (no change in cost)
  • $45 for all adult volunteers (no change in cost, includes cost of background check) 
  • $100 for a unit charter/affiliation fee ($25 increase)
  • $25 one-time joining fee for new program participants in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts (Not pro-rated, no change in cost) 
  • $15 for Scout Life magazine; this is the first price increase since 2005 ($3 increase)

Latest Information and Policies regarding COVID-19

The Boy Scouts of America has updated the Digital Safety and Online Scouting Activities Safety Policy. Please click on this link to read this important update.

Philmont Scout Ranch is planning programs for the summer of 2022 in compliance with the State of New Mexico COVID-19 guidelines. See the Philmont website for further information.

The Crossroads of America Council has released this policy notice regarding COVID-19 (Council webpage)

Friends of Scouting

The annual “Friends of Scouting” season has kicked off with the Governor’s Luncheon for Scouting on Wednesday, December 14. Unit presentations are being scheduled now on the CAC FOS Page.


Join fellow Fall Creek District unit representatives at the Fall Creek District Scouting Roundtables at 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of every month. District Roundtables take place at Golden-Burke Scout Center, and those who cannot attend in person can participate remotely. Check the calendar for Zoom link.

Firecrafter Ember & OA Chapter Virtual Meetings

The Firecrafter organization Netami Tentay Ember now meets regularly at the Golden-Burke Scout Center in unison with the Order of the Arrow WAP Chapter on the 3rd Thursday evening of each month. The Ember meets at 6 p.m., and the Chapter at 7:15 p.m. with fellowship between meetings. OA Section 6CA Conclave has been postponed.

District Roundtables

Roundtable is an every-month meeting for all registered leaders and parents, for fellowship, information, training and trouble-shooting. Please join us and find out what is happening in the Pathfinder District! Roundtable is the second Thursday of the month. Please watch our facebook page or newsletter for location update. Also you can check out our calendar.

New Training Options

Did you know that the BSA has recently made more trainings available online?

Check out the new training options available in the BSA Learn Center through my.scouting.org and get trained today!

Volunteer opportunity

(for professionals or Scouting units):

American Lung Association’s Evening of Promise Gala
Saturday, June 4th, 2022
Victory Field (downtown Indianapolis)

Purpose of event:
Raise awareness and funds to support lung cancer and COPD research and services

Help needed:

General set-up and tear-down for event

If interested, please contact Maya directly.

Contact info below:

Maya Painter 

Coordinator | Development

American Lung Association in Indiana

115 W. Washington St. #1180-S, Indianapolis, IN 46204


Lung HelpLine: 

Lung.org | Maya.Painter@Lungorg

Eagle Scout Checklist

Once you attain the rank of Life Scout, please download the FCD Eagle Project Approval Process & EBOR schedule for details on the local Eagle Scout Project proposal approvals and final board of review procedures. You will need to secure your own Eagle Advisor (usually within your home unit) and start the planning of your project on the official Eagle Scout Project Workbook available at: https://www. joinscoutsin.org/programs/scouts-bsa/advancement/trail-to-eagle/

Once you have your proposal prepared and secure the signatures of your Unit Leader, Unit Committee, and the benefitting organization partner, please email Fall Creek District Eagle Chair, Kellie Hill, or call at to schedule a project review.

Once all requirements are completed and you are ready for an Eagle Board of Review, please email Fall Creek District Eagle Chair Kellie Hill or call to schedule your Eagle Scout Board of Review.

Eagle Scout Boards of Review occur at 4 p.m., on the first or second Sundays of each month at the Golden-Burke Scout Center.

American Legion Flag Education

Webelos (first year/4th grade) only

The Indiana Division of the American Legion has been offering a Flag Education & Testing Program annually in November to 4th graders of all Indiana schools (public or private). Two $1,000 prizes are awarded annually, but the testing (20 questions with an essay) must be done at school. Encourage your first year Webelos to participate if available through their schools.

Download this flyer explaining the Flag Education Program and containing the local American Legion contact post information.

Upcoming Events


Join fellow Fall Creek District unit representatives at the Fall Creek District Scouting Roundtables. District Roundtables take place at the Golden-Burke Scout Center, and those who cannot attend in person can participate remotely. Check the calendar for the Zoom link.

Forms & Resources


Our District is currently supported by the following people; however, new volunteers are always welcome! Please contact our District Executive to find out how you can become involved at the District level.

Key 4

District Chair

District Commissioner

District Director

Membership Team

Vice Chair of Membership

Cub Scout Recruitment Chair

Scouts BSA Recruitment Chair

Venturing Recruitment Chair

Debra Bunch




Development Team

Vice Chair of Development

Friends of Scouting Chair

District Popcorn Kernel

Program Team

Vice Chair of Program

Eagle Advancement Coordinator

Camping and Promotions Chair

Advancement Chair

Training Chair


Civic Service Chair

Order of the Arrow Advisor

Firecrafter Advisor

District Chaplain

Adult Recognition & Awards Dinner


Chris Johns






Gerald Frazier

Bryan Swift

Bill Beckman


Activities Team

Activities Chair

Pinewood Derby Chair

Scouting for Food Chair

Good Turn for Nature Chair

Camporee Chair






Communication Team

Vice Chair of Communications


Commissioner Team

District Commissioner

Roundtable Commissioner

Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner

Scouts BSA Roundtable Commissioner

Joe Ricker





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