2024 BSA National Membership Fees

2024 BSA National Membership Fees

Effective April 1, 2024, the BSA will eliminate the $25 one-time joining fee for new program participants in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouting. This change is due to the feedback from units and councils that the joining fee was a barrier for some families. We are very pleased that the National Executive Committee listened to everyone’s concerns and acted swiftly.

Additionally, the BSA will implement the following national membership fees, which the National Executive Committee approved. Please note that these numbers do not reflect our local Council fee of $80 per youth.

National Membership Fees

  • $85/yr for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Venturing participants ($5 annual increase from National, which is less than 42₵ per month)
  • $65/yr for all adult volunteers ($5 increase from National, which is less than 42₵ per month)
  • $25/yr for Merit Badge Counselors (No change in fee. This fee is for Merit Badge Counselors who are not already registered volunteers)
  • $50/yr for Exploring youth & adults (No change in fee)
  • $100/yr unit renewal/affiliation fee (No change in fee)
  • $15/yr for Scout Life magazine (No change in fee)

For full details on the 2024 changes, please click the button below for a printable infographic with breakdowns by registration type.

Reminder: BSA is No Longer Prorating Fees for New Members as of August 1, 2023

Beginning August 1, 2023, all new youth and adult members who join Scouting will be enrolled in a 12-month membership cycle, and BSA has ceased prorating fees. Both youth and adults now pay the full annual membership fee and will renew their membership on the anniversary date of joining Scouting. Each registered member of the BSA will receive an email notice with a registration renewal link beginning 60 days before the anniversary date they joined Scouting. Unit leaders will receive a copy of the email and should stay engaged in the membership renewal process, just like rechartering.

Frequently Asked Questions

The most significant change is that the new member joining fee ($25) has been removed


The National youth membership fee ($85 on April 1) and the National adult membership fee ($65) apply to those new members joining on or after that date. Remember, all youth and adult memberships are for one year.

Those members, youth, and adults who have just renewed through the recharter process only pay the national membership fee once annually. This fee will be paid at the time of your next renewal.

No. There is no current conversation about increasing the local Council fee in 2024 in the Crossroads of America Council.

The unit renewal/affiliation fee ($100), the Merit Badge Counselor membership fee ($25, only applies to those who are not already registered as a volunteer), the Exploring membership fee ($50 per youth and adult), and the Scout Life magazine subscription ($15) remain unchanged.

Additional Resources